Yzerfontein .info

"Mare Didat, Flores Decorant"

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Yzerfontein Resources

Here's some Yzerfontein-related resource websites which you might find useful. Note that there are seperate pages for restaurants and accommodation, so these have been left out.

Click here if you'd like to organise a tour of Dassen Island (who wouldn't, some would say you've only got to know the town once you've done the tour).

For more official business, navigate to the Swartland municipality website.

Reserves & Parks

A lot of the joy of visiting Yzerfontein is immersing oneself in nature. Here's 3 websites which provide a lot of info about the possibilities:


About Buffelsfontein nature reserve

Rondeberg Nature Reserve

About Rondeberg Nature Reserve

West Coast National Park

About the West Coast National Park