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"Mare Didat, Flores Decorant"

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Pearl Bay Yzerfontein

Pearl Bay lies on the southern fringe of Yzerfontein. It is being marketed and developed by its owners, Yzerfontein Seaside Estates. Many plots have already been sold there.

Pearl Bay from Schaap Island

To improve the quality of homes being built in Pearl Bay, architectural guidelines have been implemented to adhere to the overall aesthetics of Yzerfontein and it's future developments.

Pearl Bay Heights : Yzerfontein

Pearl Bay Heights stands on the cliffs above Pearl Bay, with spectacular views of Dassen Island, Table Mountain & the Atlantic Ocean. This area is going through a rapid development phase.

view of Dassen Island from Pearl  Bay Heights

view of Table Mountain from Pearl Bay Heights

view of the Ocean from Pearl Bay Heights

If you have any photos or information on Pearl Bay Yzerfontein, please email for inclusion.